Business Development Consultancy Services
Zimcare Limited, through its Business Development Consultancy Services provides high level of advice and assistance in organizational enhancement of corporate governance practices, development of sectorial and sub-sectorial policies and assist in the development and assessment of strategic planning, corporate plan apart from carrying out development audit, monitoring and evaluation.
Government Policy (Sector & Sub-Sector) Review and Development
We do have a grounded knowledge and practical experience with the skills and expertise in the process, the art and the writing timbre of government policies and strategies from years of working on the review and development government policies. We were involved in the review and development to approval and launching of the National Sport Policy of Papua New Guinea 2020 – 2050. From that project, we developed a unique and enhanced template of government policy. We have read and provide input directly and indirectly to a number of critical government policies that were/has recently been approved, launched and are being implemented. Hence, we are very familiar through practical implementation of the Government Policy Review and Development. Our experiences involves: setting up Policy Review and development terms of references, Steering Committee setup, literature review, drafting, consultative workshops and input, redrafting, editing, Final review, CACC approval, NEC submission and approval, launching, implementation along with the Monitoring and Evaluation of the Policy. We are aware of both; the sector and sub-sector level of governance and coordination and are well verged on the appropriate realm of the polices and their respective jurisdiction of their various directions. Therefore, we can work appropriately with the right stakeholders to ensure proper policy synergy and synchronization is established for effective implementation.
Government Sub-Sector (Strategic) Development Plan
Whilst we focus on the corporate plan of respective government or private sector entities, we are also very sensitive to how those entities work alongside others within the framework of sectors and sub-sectors. We are familiar with the varying jurisdictions of the corporate plan and the overarching sub-sector or sectorial plans, hence are always opting to ensure there is synchronization and effective alignment between targets and indicators of respective organizational corporate plan at the micro level and how they must be reflected in the overarching sector or sub-sector plans at the macro level. Therefore, our service normally extends from Corporate to sub-sector and sector plans to ensure better coordination and corporation must always be maintained by all government entities within a sector or sub-sector to ascertain greater development outcomes within the set budgets. We are currently working on the Social Sector, International Trade and Investment Sub-Economic Sector and the Commerce and Industry Sub-Economic Sector of PNG.
Corporate Plan Review & Development
We have a vast experience of working on corporate plans. We are experienced and familiar with the critical significance of corporate plan and the value of constantly reviewing existing plans and rewriting plans to ensure organization critical corporate goals within the priority’s areas envision by the organization to realized in short to medium term must be practically realized. As such, we work with organizations on their key priorities areas (KPA), focused targets and set Key Performance Indicators (KPI) against realistic and projected budget over a period within the jurisdiction of the plan to ensure the plan effectively guide the organization use of its manpower, financial resources and all powers to ascertain its corporate aspiration in short term to medium term and its vision in long term. We are currently working with a number of clients on their corporate plans at this juncture.
Governance, Coordination & Implementation Framework Review and Development
The synchronization and synergy of governance (Legislative framework), Coordination (Policy Framework) and Implementation (Plans – Corporate and Sub-Sector Plans, the Medium-Term Development Plan (MTDP) is critically significant for the west minister democracy to function effectively. Lack of alignment and linkages will bring about operational and functional gaps and mismatches, which leads to isolated uncoordinated flow of operation within sectors. Many sectors and sub-sectors operate in isolation, hence appeared to duplicate functions resulting in wastage of limited government resources. As such, we provide the special technical advice, support and lead out in exercises geared to ensure we pull together all government agencies within work within each sector or sub-sectors to work together and complement each other, whilst respecting their respective jurisdictions that distinctively governs their mandated functions, roles and responsibilities. In so doing, we seek to firmly mold the government ecosystems of operation resulting from a well-structured manner. Our long experiences of working with the public sector led us to provide such a service to address the governance, coordination and implementation challenges that persist over many years.
Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy and Implementation
One of the significant aspects of our development services is to customize Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) tools and strategies for our clients who are involved in project-oriented projects or implementation of development products and services using public funds. Based on the implementation and targeted outcomes, our development experts can develop customized and well-tailored M&E tool to measure the success and failure of the key results areas for development programs, exercise and projects. M&E reports are then delivered to respective stakeholders to ensure transparency and accountability in distribution of limited government resources in the priority development areas. We often maintain a professional and independent assessment based on agreement customized beside whatever universally agreed and acceptable M&E tool. Our M&E Consultants are willing to work with any private sector entities, all state entities as well as Provincial Governments, District Governments and alongside Department of National Planning and Monitoring with the Department of Provincial and Local Level Government Affairs to ensure all development aspirations and efforts exerted to realize those visions progresses within expectations.
Network of Businesses
Our network of business (NOB) refers to group of companies and businesses that we maintain a mutual understanding to work together on similar products and services and leverage of one and other by sharing business opportunities independently or in an outsourcing and sub-contracting arrangement. Where opportunities permit, we also invest into our NOB's unique business venture through capital financing, technical support, assets and resources sharing, hence benefit from mutually agreed return of investment. We also protect our network business brand and interest ensure we support each other and grow together. Most of the businesses and companies that are on our current network of business are businesses and companies that we assisted through our “Business & Company Establishment and Operational Services” and its programs. We opted to build a strong network of businesses in a very competitive market and remain as the business insurance to resiliently progress on in our respective business endeavors.
Business & Company Establishment and Operational Services
We are not only expert in reviewing, restructuring and creation of new government entities, moreover we also do provide advises, guidance and hands on practical leadership in assist entrepreneurs establish business and companies within the framework of the Companies Act 1997 and Companies Act (Amended) 2022 and within universally accredited business best practices. Our team ensures entrepreneurs who desire to secure their business aspirations in a formal business approach or within the setup of a company install best business management and operational practices. We have progressed the service over the years within our network of businesses setups and operations. Our guides and advice are practical and hands on within context of realities and is sensitive to the brand of business of our clients. Whilst we inspire best practices, we as much as possible respect individual entities pursuits, hence we only guide and advise rather than superimpose strategies that can potentially jeopardize our client’s vision and brand of businesses.
Development Review, Audit and Index
Our Development Review, Audit and Index is a new and special service that we offer. It particularly directed to the government of Papua New Guinea and other governments within the region. For this service, our development and M&E experts would work along with the respective state agencies to conduct a development baseline data survey, thoroughly review and development a generic and specific audit for all districts, provinces and regions. The assessment would employ set development criteria customized for the targeted nation state in congruent to UN universally approved development indicators and represent the findings and information in a development index representation. The assessment shall present various forms of information such as the well-developed to the least developed, districts, province and region, besides other categories of information.