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Human Resource Consultancy Services

Zimcare Limited’s Human Resources Consultancy Services is its core service since establishment. Its primarily focuses on the areas of Public and Private Sector Recruitment, Labour Hire, HR Polices & Procedures, Job Evaluation, Salary Benchmarking, HR Audit of organization employees’ skills, competencies, capacities and levels of productivity, Performance Appraisal and Payroll outsourcing.

Human Resource Consultancy Services

Review, Restructure and Creation of New Public and Private Entities

We are specialized in conducting independent organization operational and functional review, analysis the evolution trend against new policy directions and legislative empowerment to advise, guide and work with the management to ensure appropriate restructure of existing structures and procedures are being implemented to ensure proper governance, coordination and management of the organization. Critical to outcome of any restructure is to ensure there is better alignment, synchronization and synergy to ensure the operational of the organization is better suited to bring out the expected outcomes, targets, levels of productivity to achieve the organization corporate goals and vision. We also expert is creation of new government entities in PNG within the West Minister system and also guide the establishment of private companies in ensuring the Board, Management and workforce are well structured to operate any desired businesses. For the creation of government entities, we have a vast experience of work that is directed by a National Executive Council (NEC) decision with the Department of Personnel Management (DPM) to study, develop and establish the organizational structure, submit in compliance to GO creation of new government to SCMC for approval leading to establishment of a new government entity. Following DPM's approval, we have a good working relationship with the Department of Treasury to secure Agency Code and Department of Finance for the opening of Bank Accounts leading to the full establishment of a new government entity. Part of the work that we normally do subsequent the full establishment of government entity, is to ensure the new entity's inaugural budget is set, corporate plan, work plan for new employees and all operational systems and stand operating procedures are in place. Our experiences include establishment of Securities Commissions of Papua New Guinea (SCPNG), Department of International Trade and Investment (DITI) and provide advice in directly on the establishment of National Trade Office, Special Economic Zone Authority (SEZA) and other new entities through our work with DPM. We are also working closely with the Department of Commerce & Industry in its planning for the restructure from 2025 and beyond.

Human Resource Audit

Our Human Resource Audit (HRA) service adopt the international best practice model of organizational and Human Resource assessment. There are two levels of HR Audit we normally carry out. First is the thorough assessment of the organization itself, their HR practices, best corporate governance approaches, innovative integration, strategies and policies. Our second level of HR Audit specifically focuses on the human resource component the organization. It this level, we normally carry out a thorough assessment of employees’ personal files against their job descriptions, key performance targets and set deliverables. We normally employ quantitative and qualitative strategies to assess individuals based on their; (a) capacity (Qualification & Experiences), (b) skills, (c) talents, (d) special gifts, (e) competencies, (f) potential and (g) productivity. Our Audit report after our assessment is normally very independent and unbiased in view and seek to present the reality of our findings, evaluations ad our conclusion about the concurrent HR practices of the organization. We also would provide a number of trends, positive and negative variables identified and our expert recommendation on strategies that organization can adopt to improve the present state of their HR management and practices.

Recruitment Services

Recruitment is one of our core professional services that we are involved in for the last 15 years. Over the years, we pioneered the integration of “competency-based matrix system” (CBMS) to conduct recruitment for many government and private agencies that we have worked with to ensure we filter into public service and workforce, a generation of highly competent employees to serve our clients appropriately. For public service, CBMS aim to bring into the workforce offices who not only to serve as public servants but must be able to realize critical government development agendas. CBMS employs an online, wireless, paperless and automated system to process data from application registration all through to the appointment of the most successful candidates. Our services include the nationwide recruitment of all Department of Works under a “spill in – fill in” exercise in 2016, to the Department of Personnel Management (DPM), Department of Commerce and Industry, Department of Higher Education, Research Science and Technology particularly the ADB TVET project branch, Department of International Trade and Investment and many more. We also maintain a recruitment database of well over 5000 CVs that we continuously profile and shortlist for private sector clients all year around since 2010. We also offer labour hire services to any private sector clients on project-oriented services as and when needed from the pool of talents who are registered with us on our database.

Human Resources Policy Review and Development

We are specialized in HR Policy review and development. We have developed well over 27 in-house organizational administrative policies for the Papua New Guinea government agencies like the National Roads Authority (NRA), Department of Health, Department of Commerce and Industry and others. At the moment are working to review and develop the Department of International Trade & Investment, Securities Commission of PNG and PNG Sports Foundation inhouse administrative organizational policies. Policies that we have reviewed and developed for our clients and continue to work on for our new clients include and are not limited to: HR Manual & Policy, Training Policy, ICT Policy (Overarching & 18 smaller policies), Performance Appraisal Policies, Recruitment, Retrenchment and Retainer policy, CUG policy, Housing Policy, Whistle Blower Policy, OHAS Policy, etc. We can also assist clients develop any new and very customized policies to govern their unique operations, functions and management of their HR and support systems as and when required. For example, we assist NRA developed the framework of the National Roads Maintenance Policy that is designed to govern the way funds are used for their road maintenance efforts and programs.

Job Description & Duty Statement Review and Development

We are specialized in reviewing existing job description along with duty statements to ensure JDs are appropriate in terms of scope, jurisdiction and cover all required areas of work in the organization. This is due to the fact that organization keep evolving innovatively to meet its corporate plans and targets resulting from new policy direction and management decisions on strategic posturing, new business trend and the need to remain compatible. JDs we review and developed are normally tested and approved prior to implementation in organizations. Review of Job Descriptions are often intertwined with the organization restructure. For new agencies, we often study the focus of the organization and work with the responsible team to develop new JDs that not only match the structure of the organization, but must result from our thorough job analysis, job evaluation (using HAY system) and be relevant to meet the organizational functions, operation, workplans, corporate goals, targets and vision.

Performance Maintenance & Appraisal

Apart from developing Performance Management & Appraisal Policy, we also offer the service integrating a thorough and effective Performance Appraisal and Management System to assist our clients measure performance of their staff against productivity and set targets. Our appraisal system includes development of monthly review tools, quarterly assessment reviews and semester-based assessment strategies to ensure performance of employees are thoroughly measured against productivity and the organization workplans, corporate plans and expected outcomes. We believe in real time evaluation (of inputs – insertion of employee’s skills, competencies, knowledge and actions as defined by their respective JDs and outputs – results; outcomes, productivity and accomplishments,) therefore have developed strategies to measure and manage employees’ performance, which can be tailored to suit different clientele needs. Integration of our newly developed “Key Performance Target Synchronization Chart Template” is one of our tool to ensure Performance Management & Appraisal are carried out effectively and accurately on real time in synergy and synchronization with the holistic organizational focus. As such, accountability and transparency are strictly being adhered to, hence organization can make necessary decisions on strategies to help improve inputs for better and necessary outputs at any time needed.

Training and Development

We focus our training and development services on (a) Conducting Training Needs Analysis (TNA) (b) developing customized and targeted training programs, (c) writing organization training plans and their specific implementation strategies, (d) development of curriculums, and (e) Developing and conducting specific and customized courses on skills, competency and productivity enhancement. We are working with the Department of Higher Education Research Science and Technology through the National Training Council Secretariat to register our trainers along with our general or customized short courses and training modules to support our clients' training and development needs. We also maintain a database of qualified trainers of various fields within our network of professionals to ensure we engage specific experts to deliver on trainings needs of organizations. Furthermore, our organizational and HR development experts are readily available to assist advise and guide any work on human resource development needs in line with the best practice.

Job Evaluation & Salary Benchmarking

The Job Evaluation aspect of our service integrated to work on organizational establishment, job analysis, performance management, salary ranges, levels and grades and salary benchmarking. We adopt HAY Job Evaluation system that is universally used globally to carry out Job Evaluation for both our public and private sector clients. Salary Benchmarking is a cross examination, analysis and reporting of remuneration packages assigned to positions of the same or similar levels and categories across a vast cross section of comparable organizations in a region or a locality. We use a quantitative approach to carry out such service as and when required by our clients. We even are in touch with similar salary benchmarking practices and assessment of the era and have the ability to customize our findings for any specific or general clientele requirements.

Standard Operating Procedures

Standard Operation Procedures (SOP) is a step-by-step specific guideline of how actions are carried out by employees to complete given tasks and or basically implement a developed (inhouse administrative) policy or what is required of each job description. Apart from developing policies, we also develop standard operating procedures that are customized to implement various policies and ascertain required policy outcomes. Different organizations within different industries abide to different sets of procedures to carry out tasks within their core functions or subsidiary ventures for expected outcomes, therefore we are flexible to adjust our practice to ensure SOP that are reviewed and developed to suits the brand of service, products or business of our clients.

Work Plans, Key Performance Targets, Key Result Areas & Key Performance Indicators Development Synchronizations/Alignment

We also assist organization develop attainable 1 – 3 years work plans under the framework of their respective corporate plans and for public agencies would also be in line with their respective sub-sector or sectorial plans. Apart from the work plans, we can also critically map out strategic Key Performance Targets (KPT), Key Results Areas (KRA) and design Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to assist measure actions being carried out, evaluate resources being utilized and hold to account employees that are entrusted to deliver the desired work plans. Apart from the guiding the organization integrate overarching organizational best practice within their respective corporate management structure, we also can assist officers develop and align their individual KPT, KRA and KPI to the organization overarching plan and expectations. We have developed a “Key Performance Target Synchronization Chart Template” that is very integrative in capturing all key components of a work plan and is holistic in view – that it provides a one view of all key aspects of KPT, KRA and KPI, which is a convenient management tool.

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